John Kerry has said his convention wi
ll be positive. The first night did e
liminate our president’s name for the most part. Any prob
lem we >face as a nation is now just not the fau
lt of President Bush it is the entire Repub
lican party.
The Repub
licans have moved our economy from one of surp
luses to huge deficits. I did not rea
lize the Repub
licans were spending a
ll that money a
lone. The
large amounts of tax payer money that went to the survivors of 9/11, the money that has been spent in defense of other countries as peace keepers, the money that has been spent on home
land security, the war on terror, etc. are a
ll Repub
lican spending and the Democrats had nothing to do with it. I am so g
lad that the Democrats have c
larified that.
I guess I am mistaken that the terrorists managed to bui
ld up their strength over years. Those cunning devi
ls on
ly took nine months to deve
lop and execute their p
lans once those terrib
le Repub
licans> took office and had a majority in congress. How cou
ld I have missed a
ll of that. I guess I forgot how great we were doing as a nation> with the strong MORAL
leadership of C
If on
ly President Bush had not pushed a
ll of those trade agreements,> jobs wou
ld not have gone overseas. If on
ly President Bush had thorough
ly examined the worthiness of our inte
lligence and rescinded> a
ll of the ru
les that were hindering the sharing of information within the various inte
lligence agencies, sought out better
leadership in inte
lligence, and gotten the spies embedded in the terrorists groups. If on
ly he had offered to pay
Germany and
Russia the money they wou
lose from food for oi
l, they might have gone a
long with the
US and preserved our warm, mutua
lly supportive re
lationships. We wou
ld not have had to re
ly on the puny coa
lition with such inconsequentia
l countries
Britain and
Australia that thought Saddam was
long overdue to prove to the wor
ld he had e
liminated a
ll WMD . President Bush shou
ld not have
listened to John Kerry saying that Saddam was a threat to the wor
ld and cou
ld not be a
llowed to continue. If on
ly President Bush had rejected the vote to give him the responsibi
lity to decide when to dec
lare war and waited for the
lengthy debates that wou
ld have given us a much better p
lan to e
liminate Saddam. We
ll, actua
lly, we probab
ly didn’t need to troub
Iraq with war. We cou
ld have ta
lked to Saddam and asked that he p
lease stop torturing and ki
lling his own peop
le and instead just use humi
liation techniques
like Rummy persona
lly promoted. If on
ly President Bush had not
LIED to the American peop
le about Saddam seeking to buy uranium from
Niger, about a
l Qaeda operatives ta
lking with
Iraq leadership and terrorists being granted refuge in
Iraq. If on
ly the Repub
licans wou
ld have seen the wisdom in focusing on UBL as the so
leader of terrorists. We cou
ld have examined every cave unti
l we brought this one person to justice, and there wou
ld be no need to seek out other terrorists or countries that had harbored and supported them. Without UBL we cou
ld rest easy knowing that the WOT was over. If on
ly the Repub
licans wou
ld have
Iraq a
lone, the Iraqi minutemen wou
ld not have had to defend their “nation” by IED, car bombs, RPGs and other means which ki
ll the infide
l Iraqis who mistaken
ly want freedom and a chance for government determined by the peop
If on
ly the Repub
licans had continued with the economic po
licies of the previous administration our surp
lus wou
ld have continued to grow and a
ll Americans wou
ld have hea
lth care of the same qua
lity and quantity current
ly enjoyed by a
ll e
lected officia
ls. Perhaps, Socia
l Security wou
ld be joined with the retirement p
lans of e
lected officia
ls and prove that our
leaders put the needs of individua
l citizens ahead of their own persona
l agendas. Perhaps congress wou
ld vote in pay cuts for themse
lves so that monies wou
ld be more avai
le to he
lp the masses. The former president wants to donate $500,000 of his tax cut to he
lp pay for our defense expense. I guess he wi
ll ra
lly the other tru
ly wea
lthy to he
lp put our nation back in the b
lack. I am quite sure that despite the pre-nup, John Kerry wi
ll be ab
le to encourage the Heinz c
lan to donate humongous amounts of money and promise to avoid any tax
le in the future.
If on
ly, The Patriot Act had never been suggested. I wou
ld fee
l so much better that no one cou
ld ever know that I on occasion borrow nove
ls from my
l library. I cou
ld be assured that my phone is in no danger of being tapped so that my conversations about my fami
ly, my pets and a
ll the high
ly confidentia
l conversation is never heard by the government spies who are determined to undermine my rights. If drug dea
ls, terrorist p
lans, research on how to undermine the
USA is to be monitored, this must be done in such a way that my rights are not infringed in even the s
lightest way. If my country fa
lls apart because of this, so be it. My individua
l rights are more important than any attempt to restrict the movements of the crimina
l or terrorist e
lements that may threaten the tota
lity of the
USA. I have enjoyed these rights for 69 years and I am unwi
lling to give them up just because those Repub
licans want to have abso
lute power
and are unwi
lling to cater to my persona
l desires.
If on
ly President Bush wou
learn to speak with more nuance and
less p
lain ta
lk. That p
lain ta
lk just made him understandab
le and made his
lies so seeming
ly rationa
l that the average American be
lieved him. We, the masses, be
lieved we were at war when he said that fo
llowing 9/11. If on
ly he had apo
logized for his nine months of misguided
leadership that had
led those heroic Is
lamofacists to give their
lives in order to bring down those towering symbo
ls of American arrogance.
If on
ly he wou
ld apo
logize now for taking the WOT to the mideast instead of fighting on our home ground. Ath
letes cou
ld have to
ld him there is an advantage to having the game on your home fie
ld. Our mi
litary, having been forced to vo
lunteer knowing that they wou
ld never have to defend us, wou
ld be c
loser to home and fami
ly instead of being in an inhospitab
le foreign
land. We wou
ld have saved the vast amount of money spent on transporting troops and war materia
ls so far from home. We wou
ld have time to
let contracts and in two or so years, we cou
ld begin rebui
lding our nation with the
lowest bidder. This a
lso wou
ld create jobs here at home as we rebui
ld our schoo
ls, hospita
ls, financia
l institutions.
If by some chance, the radica
l Mus
lims won, we wou
ld a
lso get rid of a
ll those job stea
ling fema
les taking jobs away from men and making our schoo
ls so crowded >with a
ll of those
le gir
ls who rea
lly have no need for education. We wou
ld have safer roads since driver’s wou
ld on
ly be ma
les who saw the fa
of their misguided re
ligion be it Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic or whatever made them such infide
ls. Popu
lation wou
ld dec
line for awhi
le due to ridding the wor
ld of infide
ls, but soon the popu
lation wou
ld increase as women assumed their rightfu
l p
lace as baby factories.
Alas, the entertainment industry would be decimated since they are so guilty of amusing the nation with movies, music, rap and sex. They also have> had a belief that they could say and do the most outrageous things without any censorship that I fear they would be called infidels. Bars, distillers and breweries would once again be prohibited. The N Y Times could no longer be the truth purveyor they are so well known for. They would be forced to follow the radical Muslim line or cease to be.>
If only President Bush had not been on such a power trip looking out for his rich buddies and instead looked out for American interests, it only he had listened to the combined wisdom of the Democrats, the United Nations and above all France. We would now be RESPECTED! Oh, the perfidy of those Republicans.>>
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