Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Questions Regarding Iran

I am concerned about Iran based on the 9/11 commisssion report, the news of the nuclear development in Iran, the news about Iranian terrorists going into Iraq, and the news that al Sadr is collaborating with the Iranian mullahs in power within Iran. I have been reading many of the comments on the activist chats written by Iranaians within and without Iran. I am posting links to articles from that source. No matter what the outcome of the US election, I feel that Iran will continue to be a challenge to our nation. The UN seems impotent dealing with the threat of nuclear development in Iran. I encourage readers to look at some of these articles. It appears to me that Iranians are ready to overthrow the mullahs from within and prefer US stands by with moral support and not military interventions. They are not asking for money from any government but would accept financial support from individuals. It would appear that
election of John Kerry is not viewed as a positive move for their country. Again, I encourage you to read these articles and many others you may find at the activist chat in Iran.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The report states that the commission found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the plans for the 9/11 attack (page 241). I do agree it is odd that so many of the terrorists travelled through the country, but it appears normal that the Iranians don't stamp Saudi passports.

    I think the report clearly defines this Wahhabi based threat (pages 361-362), not as a Shi'ite based Hizbollah threat. The report states that actual or potential terrorist sanctuaries (for those who attack Americans) are found in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia (page 376). This list of specific coutnries does not focus on Iran. It focuses on the Sunni countries where 9/11 terrorists and their support systems exist, includiing Saudi wahhabi schools and radical anti-US clerics. I really suggest you read about these credible threats on page 367. Iran played only a minor supporting role in this attack.

  2. I did not mean to imply the 9/11 comission said anything other than terrorists traveled through. I have read a lot from Iraq bloggers regarding the interception of Iranians attempting to get into Iraq. It is known that al Sadr has gone into Iraq to meet with mullahs and many think that financial support for Sadr comes from Iranian mullahs. I am interested in what the Iranian people think and found the listed articles of interest. The fact that they do not seem to want support (financial or military) from any government is interesting. Unless some new and credible information comes forward, I do not believe Iran had anything to do with 9/11. Disruption in Iraq's progress toward a free and open society by Iran does concern me.
