Saturday, July 03, 2004


My first attempt at blogging! Who might be interested in what I have to say? Time will tell.
I have been a faithful reader of iraqthemodelblogspot for some time and have added my comments. I truly believe that blogs are a great way to share information and views on situations that the media do not cover in depth or cover in such a skewed way as to keep readers/viewers from what is the truth.
I support President Bush as he pursues the war on terror despite domestic policies I disagree with--ie. Medicare drug coverage. The pharmaceutical industry needs to be reined in. Use the millions spent to advertise the drugs du jour in the print and TV media on R&D instead. Give US citizens the same costs as other countries citizens pay. Cut the red tape and paper work involved in this discount plan. Take a portion of the expected government costs and directly subsidize those drug companies who truly are actively researhing new medicines.

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