Friday, August 13, 2004

Are the Democrats religion-friendly?

The following is an exerpt from the article reporting on the Democratic Faith Meeting
Outreach Goes Only so Far
From the August 6, 2004 Wall Street Journal: Are the Democrats religion-friendly?
by Terry Eastland

In the sanctuary hung a cloth sign stating that "Lesbians, Gays & Friends at Old South Church" are "Open and Affirming." One of the nation's most progressive political pastors, the Rev. Dr. James Forbes of the Riverside Church in Manhattan, who had spoken to the earlier luncheon, delivered the sermon. The service ended with a "statement of our vision" in which attendees committed themselves to public policies favoring "full employment," "a true livable wage," "universal access to prekindergarten and childcare programs" and a "progressive tax policy." Not exactly the Apostles Creed, but you have to remember that progressive, even prophetic, faith was astir.

Before the service, Forbes told me that it is necessary for the Kerry campaign to be more explicit about religion if the Democrats' vision for the country is "to be embraced by the electorate."

In his acceptance speech, John Kerry explicitly sounded a religion-friendly theme. "We welcome people of faith," he said. But which people of faith? Those well left of center, theologically and politically, for sure. Beyond that, doubtful.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pat, Hi. Thank you for stopping by my blog. No longer than a day or two after I wrote what I thought to be a fictitious story about LA, I heard on talk radio about a man who owed $40,000 in property taxes, and he went to pay them the whole amount but they refused. It sold for over $600,000. Can you guess how much of the proceeds he recieved? If you said zero, you would be correct. I don't know, but maybe there is more to this story that isn't being told. Can you believe that??? Life, liberty, property. Does any one remember???

    I have a heart for China, North Koreans, and all people who are truly oppressed. Can you believe I am a Conservative! Yes, I believe that government is "okay" for its limited duties we have delegated to it, but we are RESPONSIBLE for what will happen when we stand before God. The government cannot tithe for me. It cannot do much of anything for me, except defend our borders (yeah right) and defend us overseas! I will do the rest, thank you very much! Oh, there I go again! I start talking about politics and...!!!! The Chinese farmers have been losing thier homes to developers through corrupt local gov't officials. It is sad, but Democrats want to emulate that type of gov't! That is scary. Hey! Skerry Kerry! Oh, let me stop! :)

    As frustrating as it sometimes appears, I know that God will not turn His face from us, as long as we, individually, get on our knees and pray for America and keep our faith. It takes persistence, patience, and faith. We will come through this stronger, a little older, and a little more humble. We always do. Thank God! He is always there to hear our prayers, and I thank Him for that. God bless your heart for caring about America. Now, just keep praying using Phil. 4:2-6. God bless your family, you, and your pets!
