Thursday, August 19, 2004

Kerry Condemns Ad Attacking Bush Service

Kerry Condemns Ad Attacking Bush Service. This is a day late and a dollar short. Where was Kerry when was spewing it's hate? Why did he not condem the Democratic leders who were so prominent at the premiere of Fahrenheit 9/11. When did he disavow Al Gore's ranting that Bush betrayed America. I think Kerry was hoping this would cause Bush to stifle the swiftvets. The swiftvets have freedom of speech. They have a right to tell of their experiences. Why doesn't Kerry sign for the full released of all his military records. Will they show that Kerry was the author of some of the accounts that led to his medals? When will the major media start digging via the freedom of information act regarding Kerry or will they just go after the swiftvets? So a group of (gasp) Republicans funded the 527 of the swiftvets. Does Kerry find that strange? I was of the opinion that Democrats funded the pro Kerry 527s. Maybe it was the Green Party.


  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Dear Pat, I sometimes cannot stop laughing between the tears! Skerry will not win a law suit, presidential aspirations, or even a lottery ticket! The man is very spoiled. I love reading the blogs from Iraq. I tell everyone I know about them. If 2 of them start reading and tell their friends, heaven only knows how many people will get informed! The "main stream media" doesn't realize the reason they have lost ratings is because we don't hate our President. We want to know what is going on in Liberia, Afghanistan, Iraq, N. Korea, Iran, Kenya, Sudan, etc. Have you ever been to RFA.(org?) I have it linked on my site. It is pretty helpful, but they can't really get all the info. It is, however, better than what we get now! It is Radio Free Aisa. It is very nice to hear from you. Do not be afaid. Skerry is just a loud mouth that turns off more people every time he speaks. Do not worry. We live in serious times, and people do understand this. They may not want to believe it, but in their bones they know. Take solace in the knowledge of His love, judgement, mercy, grace and we can always put our trust in Him. We are as a mustard seed. Our prayers will be answered, in His time. God bless your family and you. Take good care of yourself!

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM

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  3. The comment removed above was a duplicate posting. I believe in the first amendnment and would not remove comment that disagreed with me unless it was too vulgar to allow.
