Tuesday, August 10, 2004


A few days ago, I received the following email.
I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my head so I'll know how to vote come November. Right now, we have one guy (Democrats) saying one thing. Then the other guy says something else (Republicans) . Who to believe. Lemme see; have I got this straight?

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good...

Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good...

Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad...

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good...

Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists - good...

Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...

Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good...

Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...

Clinton commits felonies while in office - good...

Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...

Clinton says mass graves in Serbia - good...

Entire world says WMD in Iraq - bad...

No mass graves found in Serbia - good...

No WMD found Iraq - bad...

Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good...

Economy on upswing under Bush - bad...

Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good...

World Trade Centers fall under Bush - bad...

Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good...

Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad...

Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good...

Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...

Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good...

Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad...

Milosevic not yet convicted - good...

Saddam turned over for trial - bad...


1 comment:

  1. When I was in middle school, I remember seeing a sign through the window of a fire department supply store protesting the costs of Bosnia (in lives or money, I cannot remember). Pat, this email does provide interesting points. However, there are a number of points I'll try to refute. First of all, whether or not there were mass graves doesn't mean there wasn't ongoing genocide. I'm pretty sure there were. The 87 billion spent in Iraq is only a portion of the money appropriated that will soon run out. This is borrowed money spent in absence of a financial means and at the cost of our economy's future stability and the upswing, if not hurt in the long-term, is built on by record debt, individual and national. Many people, democrats and republicans, I'm sure, opposed the war in Bosnia with the reasoning the same. The circumstances, however, were much different, and at least NATO acted as one.
    The religion of the victims is relevant only in that the Muslims were singled out to be killed- that's genocide and Clinton enforced the no fly zone in Iraq.
    Few dispute the invasion of Afghanistan. Mass graves were found in Bosnia AND Bush was warned more than once about WMD evidence for Iraq.... The comparisons just degrade from there on...
