Thursday, August 19, 2004

New Political Party in Iraq

If you have not visited recently, two of the Fadhil brothers are going to run for office and have, with others, begun the pro-democracy party. They now have a web page with major issues, candidates etc.
To me it is amazing that despite all of the negative news we hear about Iraq these citizens have taken the concept of freedom and democracy to heart. They realize the dangers inherent in the establishment of a new government when so many factions wish to see it fail. They have read alot about the birth of the United States and the challenges that faced our founding fathers.


  1. Dear Pat,

    I have linked their Pro-Democracy site on my blog. I am so thrilled that they are going to run for office. If most Iraqis are like these two courageous men, they and we have a wonderfully great chance at changing the face of the ME and winning the war on terror! Do democrats choose not to see this? This was the strategy all along. Remember? The first draft of the War Papers included the ME, not just Iraq. The democrats had a fit! If they would have been long-sighted, we would have been in Syria and Iran last year! Oh well. We "common folk" just don't know any better, I guess. NOT! :) How are you doing? How is your family? I pray you are well. May God bless all of you.

  2. Dear Pat,

    I noticed that you do not have any links on the side of your site. Would you like me to show you how to do this? You go in to your template, go all the way down to Archives, go below them, then I have to look at what I did and get back to you!! I'm sorry, but I do not want to tell you the wrong way to do it! God bless all.

  3. Dear Pat,

    Do you remember Saturday Night Live when the lady said "nevermind?" I just found the links on your site! Oh well!
