Friday, August 27, 2004

More Kerry Conflicts

Today, John Glenn speaks out against the Bush campaign stating it is responsible for the swifties speaking out. According to Glenn, funding for this comes from the Bush campaign. I guess the Democrats have not been able to back up their claims about linking people working in both the B-C campaign now that the one vet informed Bush-Cheney that he was one of the swiftvets and left B-C. The lawyer for the RNC resigned because he had given legal advice to the swiftvets and did not want that to be misconstrued in any way. The Democratic lawyers who serve both anti-Bush 527s and the DNC have not resigned. Not that they would have to because this is legal. Reputable lawyers, be they working with Democrats or Republicans do not discuss one clients interests, goals etc. with another client. As for the swiftvets, they undoubtedly have recieved support from Republicans just as the anti-Bush 527s have been funded with money from Democrats. By dropping vets from swiftvets and calling them swifties they appear to want to rename this group of veterans with a more negative sounding term. Take the term vets out of the name to further degrade this group of men who served their country honorably. I for one am tired of the Democrats derision of any Vietnam Veteran who does not march to the Democratic party line.

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