Saturday, August 07, 2004

Kerry On Iraq

From Kerry's statement on Larry King Live 12/14/01,'I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrorism globally. This doesn't end with Afghanistan by any imagination. And I think the president has made that clear. I think we have made that clear. Terrorism is a global menace. It's a scourge. And it is absolutely vital that we continue, for instance, Saddam Hussein.' to his comments in the speech accepting the Democratic nomination'I will be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war" This compilation of Kerry quotes along with dates and where he spoke shows his ever changing, politically expedient changing stance on the war in Iraq. Kerry says the president has made this clear,WE(my emphasis) have made it clear. Since "we" indicates I plus others, Kerry himself was advocating going after Saddam. Why did he MISLEAD us? He had the same intelligence as the president and evidently came to the same conclusions.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Thanks for visiting my site, The Other Point of View) and pointing this out to me. John Kerry defies common sense everytime he opens his mouth. We know he didn't come up with this "insight" on his own (someone in the campaign obviously pointed out his "faux pas"(sp?) in regards to his previous comments. Of course it won't make front page news. That only happens when he can make the President look bad (or at least he thinks he can).

  2. Dear Pat, Hello. It was nice of you to visit my site, So, Kerry flip-flopped...and you are saying...something new? I don't even bother with him anymore, unless I am tired and need some help going to sleep! Have you noticed his monotone voice just drones on and on?! :) Did you also know that he critizied President Bush for waiting 7 minutes before he left the children on Sept. 11, 2001 (right out of Moore's science docucrud)? Yeah, while it took the good Senators at least 40 minutes to get their bearings! How about that...he's a hypocrite. Plain and simple. Well, you keep on posting, I will put you on my favorites and, if you like, I will add you to my links. As you could tell, I don't get many visitors, yet...but you just wait! Everyone has to start out somewhere! God bless the USA, your family, you, your kitties, and your doggie!

  3. oops! the word is criticized!
