Friday, September 17, 2004


I have seen the desolation caused by Ivan in Florida and Alabama on TV and my heart goes out to the people whose lives are so disrupted. This morning, I am waiting for daylight to see what havoc Ivan was able to do in his visit to Southwestern NC. I know we had a couple of tornadoes in my county last night and many sections of the county are without power. I am fortunate that at my home, we still have power and miracle of miracles, the cable for my broadband did not go down. Satellite TV broke up and lost its signal during Hannity and Colmes just as they began to interview an African American man who started bitterly complaining about how Republicans are trying to prevent black voters from knowing the correct date of the election. TV then quit. How anyone,white, black, purple or green would be so lacking in knowledge is beyond me. What fills the airwaves, cable, newspapers and magazines is a constant reminder of elections coming up and how many days until we vote. As an American, I am insulted by such degrading remarks about a large segment of our society. I believe every thinking American should vote his/her conscience. I for one will not vote for a party that thinks we are stupid. If we have a group of people, no matter what their ethnicity is, that need to be told when, where and who to vote for because they are totally lacking any knowlege of this campaign, issues and election date, I fear for this nation.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Saw that! Some guy named Belcher. Hannity said "You should be ashamed of yourself!" - it was a good segment. Hannity really set him straight! may have the transcript.


  2. Always makes us none PC Brits laugh when we see descriptives of people in the USA.

    African American?

    I met lots of Irish Americans in New York who were 3rd generation born and bred in the USA, how the hell are they Irish Americans?

    I have a very guttural English accent, and when an Irish American said (in NY) said to me, "What county are you from?", I replied, "Yorkshire."
    "Oh"... they said, "Is that near Dublin."

    If you are born in the U.S.A., you are an AMERICAN.
