Friday, November 26, 2004

Starbucks, Could this Be True?

An email I received this am.

Please pass this along to anyone you know, this needs to get out in the open.
Recently Marines over in Iraq supporting this country in OIF wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and try to score some free coffeegrounds.

Starbucks wrote back telling the Marines thanks for their supporting their business, but that they don't support the War and anyone in it and that they won't send them the Coffee.

So as not to offend them we should not support in buying any Starbucks products. As a War vet and writing to you patriots,I feel we should get this out in the open. I knowthis War might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street to street and house to house for what they and I believe is right. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and I'll never know. Thanks very much for your support to me, and I know you'll all be there again here soon when I deploy once more.


Thanks to Ogre, I tracked down Starbucks response to this story. I should learn to check first and post second!

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify Starbucks policy regarding charitable contributions. We are able to donate to nonprofit organizations that are designated as public charities under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code, including public libraries and schools. The U.S. military or individual military personnel do not qualify as a public charity.

However, on an individual level, many Starbucks partners have collected and shipped numerous pounds of Starbucks coffee overseas. Starbucks partners receive one pound of free coffee each week as an employee benefit (known as "partner mark-out"). Many of our partners have elected to send their weekly mark-out of coffee to members of the military or military families, and related organizations.

1 comment:

  1. Nope:
