Friday, October 08, 2004

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Contributor: What I Really Said About Iraq

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Contributor:

What I Really Said About Iraq, by Paul Bremmer

"Mr. Kerry is free to quote my comments about Iraq. But for the sake of honesty he should also point out that I have repeatedly said, including in all my speeches in recent weeks, that President Bush made a correct and courageous decision to liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein's brutality, and that the president is correct to see the war in Iraq as a central front in the war on terrorism. "


  1. Shazzam! I read it! Isn't it funny when the people the press covers are still are alive they can speak up for themselves, unlike President Bush' Commander? Don't mess the Military or the Bush Team! That's all I've got to say! Have you been to Protest Warrior yet? It's a pretty good site! These are students trying to take back our schools from the INTOLERANT Left. Have fun!

  2. I know! I read it earlier. It's amazing the difference when the person you are picking and choosing what remarks were actually said is ALIVE! Uh oh! He comes back with the truth! Have you heard of the Protest Warrior? They are doing a fine job of showing up at protests with signs to embarrass the protesters! They are also trying to take back our schools from the commies. Please check out this site! I'm sure you will like it.

  3. OKAY. I have left 2 comments, and this just doesn't want you to get them! Protest Warrior is a site I was encouraging you to visit. I am writing a short comment, to see if it works!

  4. Kerry did indeed quote Bremer in the debate but said nothing about Bremers true fealings about Iraq!Go figure!

    Hope you watched the debate, Bush did great!
